Sunshine Successes!
Last weekend, young singers who had competed in our Rock and Pop Classes at The Marr's Bar last March were given the opportunity to perform on the Kidszone Stage of the 14th Annual sold-out Sunshine Music Festival in Upton.

Young soloists Ottilie Wallace, Ayana Govin and Elsie-Rose Lyons all jumped at the chance and alongside several other young performers from all over Worcestershire, they performed several half-hour sets in front of an adoring crowd of glittery faced children on Saturday and Sunday afternoon.

Ottilie (aged 13) said: "I absolutely loved performing on the Kids' Stage. Everyone was very encouraging and supportive. I really grew in confidence over the course of the weekend. It was a fantastic opportunity - thank you to the Sunshine Festival and to Mark Farmer for organising the Kids' Stage."
Ayana (aged 14) said: "Performing at the Sunshine Festival has been such a great opportunity, and really brought my confidence out. It was an amazing experience listening to other artists and hear their unique styles in music. Everyone there are so lovey and made going to the sunshine festival a warming and encouraging place to perform on a real stage! Being on stage and sharing my own compositions with the public was such a great way of showcasing young peoples talent. I hope I get the opportunity to do it again next year."

The experience turned out to be particularly memorable for Elsie-Rose as when she performed her first set on Saturday afternoon, the Festival organiser, Steve Castledine, heard her and was so impressed he asked her to perform again, on the MAIN STAGE at 10.15pm after RONAN KEATING in front of literally, 1000's of people!
And guess what? Elsie-Rose's name was soon up in lights on either side of the huge stage ........ she walked out into the middle of the enormous space.....on her own.....and confidently sang 4 songs beautifully! Everyone joined in and she was wonderfully received.
Elsie-Rose said: "I still can't believe what happened to me at the Sunshine Festival when I was asked to perform on the main stage after Ronan Keating to a crowd of thousands!
Through WCAF I was asked if I would like to perform on the kids stage and I grabbed the opportunity. The organiser of the Festival heard me perform, and asked if I would perform on the main stage! I was so nervous but the crowd were so supportive, cheering and chanting my name! It was incredible and I've never had a feeling like it! I was signing autographs and being asked for my picture with people who had seen the performance!
Thank you to WCAF and everyone at the Sunshine Festival!"

We are sure there's more to come from Elsie at next year's Mello and Sunshine Festivals!
Similar performance opportunities may be available for entrants to the 2024 festival. Could this be you or one of your students? This year’s syllabus will be out shortly, so keep an eye on our socials and website to see how you can enter!