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Award Winner


Of course, it's about "the taking part"...


...But there's an old saying that "competition is the whetstone of talent", meaning you can definitely sharpen your skills by being tested in public.  Plus, there's the fun of competing for a prize or a first place that just adds that extra bit of spice to things.

So what's on offer?

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In competitive classes, all performers will receive a comment sheet and a certificate. There are medals for all classes aged 12 years and under, with gold, silver and bronze medals for classes of 10 or more competitors, gold and silver for classes of 5 - 9 performers or groups, and gold only for classes of 4 or fewer. The winner in each class receives a trophy, whatever the age or number of competitors.

If older competitors who are eligible would like a medal, they are available from the front desk at the festival.

In non-competitive classes and the party piece classes for performers aged 6 years and under, no medals or trophies are awarded, but all entrants receive a certificate.


Also, following the festival is the Festival Concert. This is  a prestigious occasion in which the finest actors, singers, instrumentalists, choirs and bands are selected from across the whole festival and invited to perform. Prizes are formally presented at the concert.

Classes attracting special trophies and awards

In addition to the trophies awarded to the winners of each class, there are additional trophies and special prizes on offer. Please click here to see the syllabus for full description (including the value of any cash prizes) and entry requirements.


  • Worcester Arts Council trophies for High Achievement

  • Vale Piano Trophy for Piano Solo

  • Severn Arts Award for an Instrumental Player

  • Bertulis Solo Verse Speaking Challenge Trophy

  • Write & Speak A Poem - vouchers for winners in each class 

  • Rotary Young Performer of the Year Trophy

  • William Lewis Recital Salver 

  • Sproule Trophy and Prize for Drama and Music 

  • Marion Baker Memorial Cup and Prize

  • Solo Acting Festival Prize

  • Inner Wheel Trophy

Crowd Clapping

Festival Concert & presentations


Please click here for further details about the concert.



If you won a trophy in the 2024 Festival, please would you return it, in the packaging provided, to the Festival by the end of January 2025. Please ensure the trophy is returned clean and in good repair, otherwise a charge may be made. Thank you.

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