The WCAF team
Michael Lunney President profile
Paul Farrer Patron profile
Organising Committee
Kate Branchett Chair, Jan Venables Vice Chair, Ali McIndoe Treasurer,
Kevin Brooke, Rosemary Hopkins, Bryan Husband, Stuart Inglis, Christina Manson
Life Members
Mrs V Cairns, Mrs L Cole, Mrs S Joynes,
Mrs B Spybey, Mrs A Uren
Mrs Marian Walters MBE Honorary Life Member
The festival relies on donations and generous sponsors to ensure we can cover all costs. If you are interested in making a donation or sponsoring a bursary place, please click here to contact us.

About Us
Worcester Competitive Arts Festival - The Friendly Festival For All!
Worcester Competitive Arts Festival aims to give amateur musicians, actors of all ages the opportunity to perform in a friendly and supportive environment. Medals and trophies are awarded to the winners of competitive classes and winners may also be invited to perform at the festival concert.